Findings 6 - March 2024
Findings 6 (March 2024) has a range of articles on a variety of subjects: the doctrinal content in Christian hymns, Karl Barth's Christology, an article about Jenő Sebestyén, a notable Hungarian unknown in the English-speaking world, and an article by him (translated from the Hungarian) introducing Kuyper's "Lectures on Calvinism". Richard Middleton explores the Biblical metanarrative in the light of postmodern concerns, and his latest book is reviewed. A short article discusses Dooyeweerd's views on "law and subject."
Lastly, we present bibliographies of the latest publications by or about Abraham Kuyper and Herman Dooyeweerd, covering material appearing between 2020-2023.
Chris Gousmett, Editorial – Misplaced Piety and the Denigration of Creation
Richard A. Russell, Is Karl Barth’s Christocentrism a valid Christian way of theological thinking?
Steve Bishop, Jenő Sebestyén – The Hungarian Kuyper
Jenő Sebestyén, Dr Abraham Kuyper – a translation of the Introduction to the Hungarian edition of “Lectures on Calvinism”
Richard Middleton, Our postmodern moment: The Biblical Metanarrative
David Neville, Book Review: J Richard Middleton: Abraham’s Silence
Chris van Haeften, On the same page: Dooyeweerd on law and subject
Steve Bishop, Kuyper Bibliography
Steve Bishop, Dooyeweerd Bibliography